
Hello, my name is Joseph Benson. I love exploring new places and cultures, meeting people from all over the world, and learning about their history and customs. And because I am a traveler who is always on the go, I also love to try new foods. Never miss an adventure with me.

My travel adventure started years ago in 2007, when I decided to make traveling the world my hobby. Seeing new places is all I ever wanted. I am an architect, YouTuber, Forex trader, blogger, film producer, and ultralight helicopter enthusiast.

Take your time to explore my blog and see all the adventures you are missing. You can also follow me on all my social media handler thank you so much.

Joseph Benson




Phone: +2347067776628, +2348070619861

Email: [email protected]

Address: No. 19 LEA Primary School Junction Sabon Gari Bwari FCT Abuja Nigeria

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